Monday, June 14, 2010

Trying out this blogging thing...

Well, I've decided to try blogging. Since we're trying to make better decisions about what we eat, I figured I would focus on that journey. I'm not striving to be perfect, but I figure if we do the right thing 80% of the time, the other times aren't so bad for us. I've tried almost every "diet" under the sun at some point, and if I go on another strict diet, I might just go crazy. Instead of restricting food, we're trying to cut out processed crap, buy organic whenever possible, and just consider where food comes from before we eat it. I know there will be some challenges along the way:
1) I'm addicted to Diet Coke, and I'm not ready to give it up. I know it's filled with crappy chemicals, and I love them.
2) I actually enjoy fast food. I rarely eat it because I know it's not good for me, but sadly, I like the way it tastes.

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